Pass the Baton Book Study

June 19th – July 23rd, 2023

Welcome to the summer 2023 Pass the Baton book study!

We’re excited to read and discuss the book along side you.

Most of the book study will take place asynchronously through Flip. Each week we will post discussion prompts related to the scheduled chapters. We encourage you to respond to each prompt, watch other videos, and continue the conversation! We can learn so much from each other.

Before we get started, introduce yourself on Flip! Record a short introduction video and get to know each other.

Schedule & Discussion Prompts

Foreword, Introduction, and Chapters 1-3

  • What are your goals for your students? What do you want them to gain from their time with you? What do you want them to remember and take away? 
  • Where do you see your classroom right now? Is the focus on compliance, engagement, or empowerment? 
  • How does Dan Pink’s theory about autonomy, mastery, and purpose resonate with you?

Chapters 4-6

This week we read about voice, choice, and creating. What does this look like in your classroom in 2023? What have you tried? What would you like to try? How are you using voice, choice, and creating to empower your learners?

Join the discussion on Flip.

Chapters 7-9

This week we read about asking questions, connecting students, and taking ownership of the process. What does this look like in your classroom? What have you tried? What would you like to try? How are you using questions, connections, and ownership to empower your learners?

Join the discussion on Flip.

Chapters 10-13

  1. If you direct an ensemble, how can you empower the students in your group? What have you tried, or what is something you plan to try? 
  2. In 2020 many teachers were forced into using technology whether they were ready or not! What are some ways you have used tech this year to empower your music students? What new things are you looking forward to trying? 
  3. Chapter 12 talks about the empowered music educator. In what ways do you share your voice, make choices, create, ask your own questions, connect with other educators, and own your learning? 
  4. After finishing this book, what final thoughts do you have? How will YOU pass the baton this year? 

Join the discussion on Flip.

Zoom Brainstorming Session – July 23rd

Join us on July 23rd, 4:00pm EDT, for a live brainstorming session on zoom! We’ll share ideas, ask questions, and prepare for an awesome new school year where students are empowered to be creative young musicians.

Join us on Zoom

Purchase the Book

Still need to get a copy of Pass the Baton: Empowering All Music Students? Not to worry! The book is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble and most other book retailers, in both print and digital formats.