Pass the Baton:

Empowering All Music Students

Theresa Hoover Ducassoux – @MusicalTheresa

Kathryn Finch – @SingingFinch1 

The Why

Qualities of an Empowered Music Student from the blog, Pass the Baton

The Shift from Engaging Students to Empowering Learners A video by John Spencer


Listen by Kathryn Finch

Flipping Out With Flipgrid-How to Create a Personalized Concert Welcome by Keith Ozsvath


From a Distance: Giving Students Voice and Choice from the blog, Pass the Baton

Personalized Learning Tidbits by Theresa Hoover Ducassoux 


Sock Puppet App and Sock Puppet Example Mentioned in the IMES presentation

From a Distance: Let Students Create by Theresa Hoover Ducassoux

Empowered Music Students Create As Well As Consume by Theresa Hoover Ducassoux

Ask Questions

The Power of Asking Questions by Kathryn Finch

Mozart Minutes by Theresa Hoover Ducassoux

Is Connected

Pass the Baton Sneak Peek: Virtual Ensembles with Michelle Rose from the blog, Pass the Baton

Connected Music Students: Skype With A Composer by Theresa Hoover Ducassoux

Owns the Process

Kindergarten Music Program by Kathryn Finch

Inquiry and Mozart Minutes by Theresa Hoover Ducassoux

The Return of #GeniusHour by Amy Rever  

Be sure to share your learning! 

Tag us (@MusicalTheresa and @Singingfinch1)

and use #PassTheBatonBook and #IMES2020