This week Kathryn and Theresa had the pleasure of interviewing NAfME president-elect, Scott Sheehan! In addition to his NAfME responsibilities, Scott is the high school band director and K-12 music department chair in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. He is involved with PMEA, working with their Leadership Academy and the Model Curriculum Framework project. Scott is also a Conn-Selmer educational clinician. Along with his varied roles and teaching experiences, Scott is very knowledgeable about the national music standards launched in 2014. He even worked on one of the revision teams, providing feedback on the performance track before they officially released the standards. 

Episode 23: Scott Sheehan, Empowerment in the Standards

In this interview, Scott shared some great information about the national music standards, including: 

  • The creation and adoption of the 2014 National Core Arts Standards and how, as process-driven standards, they differ from the 1994 standards
  • How these standards support student empowerment 
  • How to look at the verbs within the standards to understand where to start
  • What it looks like in the classroom 
  • Where to start when incorporating the standards more in lesson plans 

“Take a look at one standard, look at the verbs, and ask yourself, ‘What are the students doing? How can I empower them to take charge of this action?’ It’s that easy.”

Be sure to check out the full interview to learn more about the 2014 Core Arts Standards and Scott’s suggestions for implementing these standards to empower your music students: Empowerment in the Standards. 

Connect with Scott and learn more: 

Listen to the full interview on your favorite podcast platform, or here on Anchor!

Looking for more ways to empower your music students? Check out these interviews:

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